Brief Overview of the Institute 

The Institute for Chartered Entrepreneurship consultants, Nigeria (ICECN) is an independent professional body that offers concentration on entrepreneurship, with particular emphasis on structured entrepreneurship mentorship, otherwise referred to as ‘PSYCHO-ENTREPRENEURSHIP CONSULTANCY/MENTORSHIP’.

The Objectives of the Institute are: – To promote self-reliance and mutual aid for the alleviation of poverty, To encourage, increase, disseminate and promote the education and training of members in respect to the practice of entrepreneurship, To conduct professional examinations leading to the award of certificates as may be prescribed by the Institute, To determine the standards of knowledge and skill to be obtained by persons seeking to become registered members of the Institute and raising those standards from time to time as circumstances may demand, To maintain discipline within the profession, To highlight and impart such specialised knowledge and experience in entrepreneurship, To assess business possibilities, and opportunities for people- unemployed graduates, youths, women and existing businesses wanting to make meaningful impact in the business community,

To mobilise people and make them successful business leaders, wealth and Job creation; and poverty reduction agents,
To provide free, meaningful management assistance to small business, particularly very small business, by the use of business students in universities and colleges throughout the country,
To use Psycho-Entrepreneurship Analysis – known as the psychology (mental and spiritual state) of people to be able to advise them on appropriate job creation skills to develop,
To provide learner support services, including mentoring and coaching,
To research on skills business growth and profitability strategies and initiatives,
To groom individuals (consultants) on best practices in delivering business and entrepreneurship development consulting, coaching and mentoring services to micro, small and medium business owners and prospective (upcoming) entrepreneurs,
To establish and maintain a register of members entitled to practice as Chartered Entrepreneur and a register of institutional members.

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