Cletus Obinna Iwunwa

Cletus Obinna Iwunwa is a Chartered Accountant (M/N 7484) by profession with over 21 years experience. Mr Iwunwa holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Enugu State University of Science and Technology and also an Associate member of the Nigerian Institute of Taxation (M/N 7902). An expert in Finance, Treasury and Tax management, prior to joining First Aluminium Nigeria Plc where he currently holds the position of Group Finance Controller/Treasurer as also a member of the Executive Committee of the Company. 

He has had varied business experience spanning Manufacturing, Marketing, Finance and Commercial services and worked with Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Mr Iwunwa is the Company Secretary of Aluminium City Limited and currently sits on the Board of Inlaks Power solutions Limited. He had stints in Revenue Generation for states under Mathew Erhima and Co Chartered Accountants. As a catholic professional, he is the financial secretary of St. Kizito Catholic Church Lagos Parish Pastoral Council. He is also Catholic youth organization patron of both St. Kizito and St. Sabina Parishes in Lagos. Born on 2nd August, 1962.

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